According to Infinity Ward, there are three main pillars holding up the title and it's success and hype:
1. Characters & Character Customization awesome
First we'll start off with your character. In Call of Duty: Ghosts,
Infinity Ward wants the game to feel like you're in control of virtually
anything, and you pretty much are.
You're creating your own squad of 10 players. You can control one at a
time, and you can make them look however you want. From GENDER (yes you
can be a woman), to what vest, face paint, headgear, boots, and all
that, you take control of what your soldiers look like.
Choose from over 20,000 different customization combinations, for endless creativity.
2. YOUR World
In Call of Duty Ghosts there's something much more different about the
environments you'll be run and gunning around in: complexity and dynamic
Do you remember in Call of Duty: Black Ops how there'll be certain
things going on outside of the map, like a rocket ship shooting off, or
buildings crumbling to the ground? At the time we thought that was
awesome, until Ghosts took it to the next level where things like that
will be happening constantly IN-GAME.
Instead of just learning where things are, such as the best camp grounds
are or where you can rack up the most kills without being noticed, Call
of Duty: Ghosts maps require you to memorize what everything around you
does in order to be a successful player. What condition a building will
be in before it starts crumbing, what kind of large objects will fall
at what time, etc. So instead of just using your memory to know the best
hiding places, you'll need to start using your senses to kick some ass
on the battlefield and not get your own ass kicked.
3. Take Call of Duty Anywhere
This is a new generation, with the Xbox One and the Playstation 4 coming
out later this year, Infinity Ward and company want to start it off
with a big bang, and they want you to be able to access Call of Duty
wherever you are.
With 20,000,000 players already signed up for Call of Duty: Elite, it
was their honor to bring to you a mobile app where you'll be able to
access pretty much anything, besides gameplay, right at your fingertips.
From customizing your character, to organizing your clan, the Call of
Duty app gives you anything you need. Hell, it goes as far as letting
you choose which loadout you'll use after your next game. YES, you'll be
able to interact WHILE playing so it affects what you're doing. Pretty
cool, right?
Create-A-Class & Customization
Enough of the "three pillars", let's get onto some of the things you'll
need to rack up some major points while you're in-game, and that'll of
course be your classes that you make yourself, right?
Well, classes, loadouts, and all of that are fueled by points. This is a
completely new and revamped system they've brought to let you take
control of how you play.
There'll be a certain points system that'll let you use up to ELEVEN
PERKS if you want to, however in order to do that you'll need to get rid
of your nasty old secondary weapon. So basically, it's a bittersweet
situation. As for getting rid of some perks to have a larger in-game
arsenal? Not yet confirmed, and honestly not likely, but we'll see.
This runs off of a 1-5 point system, some perks cost more than others,
some guns cost more than others. However, it isn't a tier-eque system,
so you can spend as much as you want without having to rack up a bunch
of guns to reach a big one.
Killstreaks, Deathstreaks, & Packages
Deathstreaks have been a drag in Call of Duty, and nobody likes them, so
Infinity Ward has kicked 'em to the curb, say bye bye to Last Stand
& Martyrdom!
As for kill streaks, they've only announced a few, but there's 20 whole new ones to choose from, including:
- Juggernaut Maniac
- Helo Scout
- Vulture
- Eden Scout
- A f***ing guard dog!
Pretty sweet, right? Now let's move on to special care packages, such as Support, Assault, and Specialist.
I'll start off by saying they reduced the amount of air-based specialties you can choose from, so no more having to creep around inside. No, they want to bring the battle both completely inside and outside without having to hide in small rooms, hoping not to get shot down by a helicopter every 20 seconds.
I'll start off by saying they reduced the amount of air-based specialties you can choose from, so no more having to creep around inside. No, they want to bring the battle both completely inside and outside without having to hide in small rooms, hoping not to get shot down by a helicopter every 20 seconds.
As for defensive-type streaks, UAVs are no longer airplanes. These are called "SatCom UAVs",
which in order to work (for a long amount of time), you're going to
need to hide them from your enemies. Treat them like they're World at
War's bouncing Betty's, just not in open areas. They do exactly what
normal UAVs do, but they can't be completely demolished by a tracking
Player Interaction
Infinity Ward and all them want you to feel like you're in the battle,
so they've done a few things to make the game a lot more interactive
between you and the character you're controlling. These things include:
- Contextual Lean System: Lean around objects you're hiding behind and shoot your enemies.
- Mantling System: Run over objects without having to stop, don't lose momentum and keep shooting.
- Knee Slide: Need a quick way to look around corners and shoot anyone in your path? Slide on one of your knees and shoot while below your enemies range of sight!
Audio Enhancement
The ones in charge of audio for Call of Duty: Ghosts brought some
completely new things to the table. One of these things is what they
like to call "Tactical Audio Design", which is a much more realistic
algorithm with louder noises of gunfire and explosions while you're
To make it more realistic, gunfire will sound differently based on your
environment. If you're in a carpeted, furnished room it'll sound a lot
louder and surpressed, while if you're in a metal box, it'll sound a LOT
louder and more exposed. And of course if you're outside, it'll flow
with a lot more echoes and so on and so forth.
As for your characters, they won't be saying things as simple as "Tango
Down" or things like that, they'll state specific points your enemy is
at depending on where you are, for example:
"Enemies spotted coming through first floor enterance!"
A lot more useful, right? It'll make you feel like you're in a real war,
with real people talking to you to aid you take out your enemies.
As for grenades, we've all seen it before... The same noise no matter
where the explosive is placed. Well, if you throw a grenade at a piece
of metal, the metal will both visually be affected by it as well as the
sound it makes, which will sound somewhat (kinda sorta) really like a
piece of metal is being exploded.
Clans, Clans, and more Clans
Clans... Everyone wants to be apart of the best clan out there, or maybe just a simple little clan with friends.
We'll start off by saying you can access and organize your clan wherever
you go. Access your control panel on-the-go with your smart phone and
have talks both on your console, or on your phone with the "Clan Chat"
feature they've added.
As for the "Rally Up" feature, you can set up times for you and your
clan to, well, rally up and play some games. This is a sweet and direct
way to communicate both on your console or mobile device anywhere you
You can also CREATE your own clan emblem, much like your players emblem
in Black Ops and Black Ops 2 but for the representation of your own
clan, so you better make it look good!
As for battling other clans, or PvP (player-versus-player, as they call
it), you'll be able to challenge ANY person and their clan while in-game
with their new clan battling system. You can hop into one of your clan
members games and join the fun as well, so it's all really simple.
If you even as simply as play a game with a few of your clan mates, even
in a public match, you'll receive clan EXP, which is pretty sweet. With
this exp you'll be able to buy customizables such as camos, guns,
perks, kill streaks, etc. ONLY accessible by gaining clan EXP.
Oh, and also, if you're playing on the Xbox 360, you'll still be able to
play those on the Xbox One in your clan, so cross-console gameplay is
accessible in that aspect. As for the Playstation 4 and the Playstation
3, it's yet to be confirmed or commented on.